[spellling corrections, quotation references converted from book pages to dated issues and paragraphs, and additional references added] November 12, 1985 Janet Cox 681 Linville Road Heath, Ohio 43056 Dear Elder Standish, First I want to express to you how much the Firm Foundation Conference meant to me. It was so refreshing to hear truth presented in a straight forward way, with no apologies. I am still gaining much through the books and tapes, and am seeking opportunity to share them with others. I spoke with you for a few minutes concerning "Godhead" or "Trinity", and the "Sonship of Christ". On the last night, I gave you a paper by Norman Young entitled "Christology and the Atonement in Early Adventism". I hope that you have had time to study it and can understand a little better my belief in the Sonship of Jesus and its importance. As I Said, I in no way believe that Jesus, Michael, was a created being, but was actually a Begotten Son, begotten in the ages of eternity, a True Son, very God of Very God. Some have no problem accepting by faith that Jesus was born of Mary and not having a father, that she truly was a virgin in the most comprehensible sense of the word. Yet, we limit God when we declare that it is impossible for Him to have a son without a mother. With God nothing is impossible. You asked if I thought that this was to be part of the Three Angels Messages and I said "no". Having done more study, I can see that I was wrong in my answer. The First Angel of Rev. 14 declares: "Fear God (which one?) and give glory to Him." Jesus himself declared: "This is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3. p. 2 If this is life eternal to know God, then it is important to know which God, for there are gods many and lords many. I believe that if you trace the history of the doctrine of the "trinity" in the Adventist Church, you will come to the conclusion that these spurious sentiments began to be taught soon after 1888, and this, too, is part of the "New Theology" that Satan has brought into the church. He has used the writing of Mrs. White to promote this doctrine, when, if to believe that she endorsed the doctrine of the trinity, is to say that she was a false prophet, not because of the doctrine itself but because her writings then become a heap of conflicting confusion, contradicting, and unscriptural. Mrs. White never used the term "trinity", and we have misunderstood her words in describing the Godhead. I have been asked if I didn't believe the prophet when she wrote "there are three living persons of* the heavenly trio", Testimonies Series B 2&7 pg 62. Having studied it out, I can now say yes. I agree with that statement. God is three persons just as I am two. Man was created in the image of God, body and spirit (or soul). We have a physical nature or person and we also have a spiritual nature or person. Paul speaks of the war that existed between the two persons of our nature. I am two pesons but not two beings. The fleshly person that seeks after sin and lusts, and the spiritual person that seeks after the things of God. Romans Chapters 7 & 8. In verse 22 of Chapter 7, Paul speaks of the inward man. God is truly three persons, for there is God the Father, a physical being, Jesus the Son, a physical being, and they are everywhere present by their Spirit, which is holy. Mrs. White says that Jesus was the _only_being_ in all the universe that could enter into the counsels of God; PP34*, and she also said this Son was the only being who was one with God: GC 363. Yet, never does she describe the Spriit as a being, on the contrary, she describes the Spirit to be the actual inner person of the Father and the Son. "The Holy Spirit is the soul of Christ's life": 5RH 42-43* p. 3 The very center of the very Reality of His Being. "When on the day of Pentecost the promised comforter descended...and the souls of the believers thrilled with the conscious presence of their ascended Lord" GC 350.1. "The Holy Spirit is the breath of spiritual life in the soul." DA 805. What difference does it make? "Satan is making desperate efforts to make himself god, to speak and act like God." 7BC 980.11* "The reason why the churches are weak and sickly and ready to die, is that the enemy has brought influences of a discouraging nature to bear upon trembling souls. He has sought to shut Jesus from their view as the Comforter, as the one who reproves, who warns, who admonishes them, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it. Christ has all power in heaven and in earth, and he can strengthen the wavering and set right the erring...Satan has achieved his greatest success through interposing himself between the soul and the Saviour." 2RH 422*. Suggest a rereading of Early Writings pp. 55 & 56. We have accepted the evangelical viewpoints in more than their rendition of Righteousness by Faith; we have also accepted their God, the God of Babylon. John 3:16 says, "God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life." I believe it. He had a Son to give and He gave [him]. I write this because I believe that you are an honest man. I ask that you take the time to prayerfully study these things out and if I am wrong, may the Lord forgive me and open my mind unto the truth. I will close with one more quote from Mrs. White, 2RH 92* "You may commune with Christ, who will be within you a Hope of Glory. This is true religion. All else is deception, a delusion." Maranatha. * "of" not "in" and lower case for "heavenly trio" first appears in Ms21-1906 written in November 1905 par. 11 which can be found at https://egwwritings.org/?module=writings¶ms=(search:%27%22three%20living%20persons%20of%20the%20heavenly%22%27,bookcode:%27%27,filter:[{%27type%27:%27folder%27,%27key%27:%27253%27}]) * PP 34 actually states "only being that could enter into all the purposes and counsels of God." It is GC 493 that has "only being in all the universe..." * Review and Herald May 19, 1904 par 1 "This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,-- the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin." * "to make himself god" first appeared in Ms 27 1899 (March 19) and then RH April 23, 1901 Art. A, par. 3 * Review and Herald August 26, 1890 par. 10 * Review and Herald November 9, 1886 par. 16